Java Source - last updated 08.13.06



Applications / Libraries

Half-Pipe Application Java shell, scripting, reincarnation of Combined shell in the JSR 223 and MLVM era - download
New TRZ At this time nio.2, JSR 203, code specific to OS X
StringTemplate and AppleScript Format AppleScript with StringTemplate for Java invocation - download 
Combined application IDE, java shell, client/server - download 
Page 1 application RSS feeds, Atom, blog, with search engine personalization
Transparent Random Zip (TRZ) dynamic zip access 
utillib package utility library. 
appedit app launching, extracting, parsing, mostly OS/X 
temporary current jnidirect Until I figure out a little more cvs keeping this here
launch - Obsolete and discontinued. Mac Classical OS minimal command line 


Code blogs

  Gas Prices Gas and Oil ruminations
  Sunday Sudoku Solver Sudoku solving with a programmatic eraser
  antdoc XSLT to HTML for ant build.xml files
  performSelectorOnMain JNI callback to java on AppKit 'main' thread
  LSSpy Launch Services API application signatures Mail app certificate signature info. (Java/osascript/Bouncycastle)
  AKS and primes deterministic time prime number algorithm
  Mersenne Twist Prime number benchmarking
  pdfsign Crypto signing PDF documents
  stub java property based launching frontend stub (see appedit, obsolete 'launch').
  Astronomy related Meeus, planetarium, Fundamentals of Astrodynamics - ongoing tinkerings
  hprof constructor kit Modifying the Sun hprof sample source code
  Chess blog No code, rambling chess related blog, I needed a job - I still do
  Java Radio Station Tinkering with the Apple java mp3 streaming code sample
  Stack Walker Old attempt at java call chain determination using exception trace


Test Cases

  PGPTester  El Gamal key generation testing with a little reverse arithmetic
  Open document  OS X Open document handling and launch options
  AppleEvents JNI  JNI AppleEvent wildcarding with eawt type interface for get URL events



 src_index.html cross-reference index of useful downloads and sources 

Half-Pipe: Java command line shell and scripting support
Last updated 05/13/12

Description: A Java Unix-like command line shell meant to provide a tool for scripting tinkering and other jvm language hosting features.

Update 01/31/13

A quick change that ended up taking a little while. Added some jstat JIT information to the end of the java app drill down. It also adds the -XX:+CITime HotSpot option to the HalfPipe application itself. This provides what seems to be more detailed information than jstat on what the JIT has done on application shutdown. On Unix systems I think there is a signal you can send the pid to get the information before shutdown? kill -QUIT maybe. Assuming you have a long running application and don't want to wait for shutdown.

Update 01/28/13

Seeing a little activity again. Planned on adding a option for benchmarking JRuby. Maybe eventually a more general Benchmark tool. Resources tab, then select the "JRuby Benchmarks" option. Not a lot there yet. Still basing this sort of thing on HTMLEditorKit for the gui. StringTemplate to make the HTML dynamic. The current intent is this option to involve a submitted form, which is new.

Was going to check out some of the Hot Spot switches for JIT measurements so added them to the app startup JVM options. But, not seeing them. Possibly not doing enough so far to get JIT? I added display of java tasks runtime arguments to the java drill down on the "Active tasks" Resources option, to verify I had them added right. I did.

Tweak to get the jirb command working with the JRuby 1.7.2 release.

Update 01/23/13

A quick update to the Java 7 version to fix the broken scripting caused by a misplaced jar file in the laste quick update

Update 10/14/12

A quick update to the Java 7 version to get the dojava command working with the jdk. You still must have the jdk installed. It then sets the java.home property to it per a post on the java-dev list and it magically just works. Good enough for now I think to eliminate the need for a separate very sizey jdk embedded version of the application.

Although going by Using Java compiler in your Web Start application my original ClassLoader approach should of worked for compiler tools. Figure that out some other time.

It also uses the AppBundler JavaAppLauncher executable so my own ClassicJavaAppLauncher is currently not included

(Updated 01.31.13) Project source, resources, documentation...

openjdk java launcher XCode project

(Updated 05.13.12) Project Apple Java SE 6 application...

(Updated 01.28.13) Project openjdk Java SE 7 application...

PDF documentation, if you just want that and not everything else in above Half-Pipe.pdf

extras related added 05.13.12, for now just the jar.

New TRZ: Java 7 nio.2 related code

Description: A project along the lines of what TRZ was - working with java on filesystem related code.
Except now we can use what Java itself is providing, namely nio.2 (JSR 203).
We can now also stray from code strictly related to implementing a zip based filesystem.

The first part of this is my finally returning again to doing something along the lines of what I outlined here. Re: JDK 1.7 & listing MacOS X file metadata? [was Re: OpenJDK 1.7]

No update 08/26/12. The new neglected project. A little thought into how to get the kqueue version to figure out a OVERFLOW condition but no resulting code. I'll come up with something as soon as possible. Haven't lost interest in the project.

Am still tempted to try and get a new release of Election Games out before the election though. A lot of code could be worked on, not a lot of time to do it.

Updated 08/12/12

Not much of an update here. Started to frame out some of the fsevents code. A little time on the kqueue jdk LotsOfEvents. Got to where it legitimately errors on the right WatchService, thats it.

Mostly time this week went to the AppEdit code following this

Updated 06/24/12

Keeping the ongoing project version here. Leaving the home page version as the 'stable' one.

Versions are currently the same for the kqueue WatchService beta.

Home page version

Mac meta file attributes

New AppEdit: Code related to java application bundles

Updated 05.10.13 - Fix for string value used for ClassPath in the Apple JVM plist instead of the expected array. What the types of some of these keys should be is difficult to determine from the documentation. VM options also accepted a single string besides the documented array of strings. For the application in question this resulted in a ClassCastException which crashed the app showing no error, the Application Support folder didn't display and nothing was logged into convert.log. A Throwable catch was added to avoid that. Also should now copy over a Contents/_CodeSignature file.

One problem that couldn't be addressed was resource and plugin directory jar files contained in the Apple JVM /Resources/Java directory. My code would have no standard location to put them in a openjdk app and no way of knowing how the application might be handling them to aid in placement. I thought about blogging on resource file handling in OS X java app's, or posting questions on the AppBundler or macosx port lists, on what might be any kind of a standard way to handle application resources that could be the same across apps, maybe easing development and tool support, but I have decided not to for now. This might not be an issue that is of concern to many others. If you do have any comments on this or any kind of application related feedback you can again send it to me at...
Feedback EMail: contact

Updated 12.11.12 - Version with an embedded JRE. Embedded is recommended and this should work if shared JRE isn't available I think.

Updated 12.03.12 - Plist parse bug fix, improved error and resource handling

Updated 09.14.12 - Multiple options for String value VMOptions

OK, following a appbundler related post to the java-dev mailing list I decided to do one more quick update. If the Apple java app has a String value VMOptions plist entry with multiple jvm args this should parse them into multiple appbundler option entries. Having multiples for a single option entry doesn't appear to currently work. I also tweaked the test application to list the runtime jvm arguments to verify they seem right.

Updated 09.13.12 - $APP_PACKAGE and $APP_ROOT improved support

This attempts to replace any occurrences of $APP_PACKAGE with the appbundler $APP_ROOT. This includes post-copying the $APP_PACKAGE referenced resources to the new application bundle. It makes no changes for $JAVAROOT at this time. It now includes a simple test application as well to exercise some of the '$' macro support.

This may be the last update of this for a while unless someone suggests changes that seem to make sense. No suggestions, but a reported problem got the 12.03.12 update done. Finishing up on the reported problem adds the 12.11.12 update.
Feedback EMail: contact

The download


AppConverterJRE.dmg Embedded JRE version

Combined: CommandLine and my javac Wrapper
Last updated 08/13/06

Description: Combines simple GUI wrappers for commandline tools as well as java Unix-like shell functionality.

With so many other fine IDE's available, and no one using this that I am aware of, I have not been doing active uploaded support. I have continued to use it myself though.
After using the fzap command to post a hex dump of a manifest file to the OS X java-dev mailing list I was reminded that having some way for that to show as a monospaced font in the application terminal window was one of my oldest to-do items. So I added that as well as a little splash of color. One color for log4j info lines another, red of course, for error lines. A different color if a line comes from montioring console.log or system.log. etc. A little fireworks for the 4th of July, so I'm posting the update.
I have had a couple other automation related ideas for the application, if they result in any code that I think could be useful to anyone I may still post another update or two.

Latest Update - August 13, 2006
Sort of have the Find function working for the command line window.
Related changes being a new kb command and changes to the showc command.

The application download

extended.jar [OPTIONAL 07.17.05] is sort of the ClassLoader and search engine parts for standalone testing outside the application. The application itself.

Page 1: Personalized RSS and blog content
All new 11/12/06

No really new cutting edge ideas here but a start at some things that interest me. RSS and blog stuff. With some search engine functionality stuck on to allow it to automatically highlight areas of personal interest - sports, music, international news or whatever you like to keep current on. Sort of a personalized newspaper is the vague concept at the moment.

Latest Update 12/3/6
Not a lot of progress. But uploading what there is.
Actually built on
"ROME, the premier newsfeed parser library for the Java platform"*
- RSS And Atom In Action, David Johnson
At some point I am still planning on including search engine type support for personalization by allowing selection of content of interest. The intent for now is to base that on Lucene.
I also added in some code indicated on the OS/X java-dev list at The Rabbit Hole

Anyhow, its still interesting so I will probably put more time into it.


Transparent Random Access Zip
Last updated: 04.17.05

Description: Provides java RandomAccessFile access to Zip formatted files. This allows more flexible runtime updates of these files than is provided by the standard classes. This makes zip a more dynamic and less static, archive only, file format.
Features include adding zip entry files, deleting, updating and renaming, all done in-place.


It appears that as of java version 1.6 the ClassLoader techniques I used to substitute for the standard classes will not work. So TRZ is less aptly named as far as Transparent goes.
Now TRZ won't be based on a hack and will just have to stand on its own merits as a more powerful, flexible and enhanced API for dynamic zip file access
For my IDE code I am looking at using the new 1.6 provided classes. This should still allow TRZ to be used with javac to directly compile to and update zip/jar archives. The other choice would be actually modifying the javac jdk code. This seems less a public API and less supported by Sun. The long term best solution I am hoping Sun will provide for me still seems to be officially supported pluggable filesystems. Then I just make TRZ one of those. See the new comments on JSR 203 farther down for where that seems to stand.

Older TRZ related reading
The following was pointed out on the MRJ list, somewhat of interest to me in relation to Transparent Random Zip. Details some of the file concerns for the upcoming Mac OSX. Some of it familiar to most MRJ developers already, from MRJ file handling. Some of it of seemed to parallel concerns I had with TRZ.
The Challenges of Integrating the Unix and Mac OS Environments.
Transparent Random Zip is an already working version of the "bundles" referred to as opaque directories in the document but with the opposite perspective. I prefer to think I am making the file transparent rather than making a directory opaque.
Another interesting page was pointed out on MRJ List [NOTE: That this is now part of JSR 203, see the following]
JSR-000051 new I/O APIs for the Java Platform.

JSR 203
TRZ would benefit from a more 'standard' way of 'plugging' in filesystem's. For java itself pluggable filesystems are now a part of JSR 203 which is slated for the 1.7 Dolphin release. My impression is that it is again the other parts of the API changes included along with it that are of broader interest and which are seen as complicating the implementation and have caused the series of delays. My impression could be wrong, but I've roughed out a pluggable zip filesystem and it wasn't that terribly difficult.
One way or the other, official pluggable filesystems won't be seen in core java until 1.7 at the earliest.

The Official JSR 203 page
Forum comments
More pending development?
Preliminary documentation for the 1.6 JavaCompilerTool
Some Eclipse forum discussion of the 1.6 tools API's touching on filesystems
Peter Ahé blog concerning the 1.6 tools API's and JSR - JSR199, from a main author

utillib package downloads.

(Last updated 07.17.05)

appedit 03.25.07 - new app Toolkit, app_tk.dmg below

Some application related, most of it OS X specific

11.23.06 Corrected a couple errors preventing the verify application itself from launching and working correctly. Also added a JVMVersion check since JarBundler default setting of this to 1.4* fails with class files compiled at 1.5 or I'd assume later.

03.26.06 Playing around with adding some more functionality to the AppEditVerify application. Quaqua JFileChooser, Bouncycastle message signing using the Apple KeychainStore keystore. The lack of any validity to key retrieval still seems insecure to me. Also some attachment support using the mail API's. Not sure the download verify report as attachment is working correctly. The download other option, where the user can select a file to attach seems ok. It doesn't seem to email back to me at the moment but email has been a little strange for a couple days. It emails fine to my Yahoo email account. Signing seems to work correctly with or without attachments. So a fair amount of new functionality to play with and a few tweaks and refinements still needed for that.


Bouncy Castle

The full download includes plist parsing, double-clicked self extracting jars, stub launching with MRJ Adapter front-end and so on are included in appedit.jar

Application for verifying OS/X java application bundle correctness is AppEditVerify.dmg

Toolkit for doing other things with application bundles. This includes the start at a application to build more complex self-extracting (OS/X) jar files. Accum for now, will probably name it File Drop at some point. It supports the file drag and drop API to a JTree. There is a neon animated image tacked on that is also supposed to accept the file drops but doesn't yet. Trying DnD and doing some kind of neon l&f controls a couple things I've thought about trying in the past. All of this still very simple at this point. Definitely seems to work well enough for wrapping a singe .dmg, see DocumentMonster below as well.


jnidirect 09.25.05

Temporarily trying to keep more current changes here until I get a better idea of cvs updating the SourceForge project

The source is here

Current work in generation of a Cocoa Java type interface - OS/X Terminal usage would be something like...

java -cp jnidirect.jar:Linker.jar genns -t "" NSAppleScript

Update 09.25.05 I probably should mention here that my current JNIDirect project is trying to automatically generate as much of a interface to the Cocoa API's as I can manage. Last changes in brief, handles more non-'int' types better.

Successfully running some Cocoa things off the generated, JNIDirect and jnilib. Bundling it all up in a jar now jnicocoa.jar. That includes a README in the 'jni' folder so more information there now instead of here

The miscellaneous...

antdoc: XSLT to HTML for ant build files - 08/26/06

06/28/09 Changes to ensure it works reasonably well with a basic OS X XCode Java template generated ant build file, a little more effort into correctly placing comments. Also minor changes to property display, additional documentation links, etc.

Basically just add the following somewhere at the top of your ant, build.xml or whatever, file.

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="test-xslt/ant.xsl" ?>

This shouldn't interfere with execution of the build, or with editing of the build file.

The XSLT file ant.xsl that was just mentioned, as .txt.

What it does do is give you a nice HTML view of the build file if you select it with a browser. A little closer to a gui view than the cli ant -projecthelp anyhow. It is also IDE independent. All you need is your browser going. I would of thought someone would of done one for the exercise but a quick search didn't seem to turn one up. So I tried it as a XSL/XPath learning exercise for myself.

It links to the ant documention for the tasks and file types. You can change the URL root to local disk in the ant.xsl here...

<!-- Location of ant documentation, change to local disk if you prefer -->
<xsl:variable name="root">
  <!-- <xsl:text>file:///???/apache-ant-1.6.5/docs/manual/</xsl:text> -->

If you have any ant build's that this doesn't display correctly or well, let me know and I'll see if I can improve this.

OnMain: not a bad place to have your Cocoa Java served up - 10/14/06

NSAppleScript execution and possibly other Cocoa Java classes should be run on the AppKit 'main' thread. OnMain.dmg provides a small JNI stub to do a callback to java on the main thread that should provide this.

10/28/2006 - More new functionality. Added Some JNI, generated of course, execution of the AppleScript related

10/22/2006 - Added some additional AppleScript testing and a couple execution option switches. More or less documented in the README file.

LSSpy: Launch Services API
Last update - 12/06/2006

A start at a small application using the Launch Services API's. Mainly to verify that LS settings are correct for your application. This might be a good addition to the appedit stuff but that's already messy enough. Possibly I will merge in some of the functionality later. One difference already is it uses xerces instead of MinML to parse the Info.plist XML. The code translated easily, I guess both must conform closely to some API spec. It is initially included with another small bit of code I did earlier that demonstrated some Launch Services functionality along with an early effort at showing the possibility of converting some JNIDirect to a bundled jnilib.

It should support wildcarded file open document events and is I think my first uploaded effort using the technique of putting up a splash screen while it waits to see if it receives any file drops. (Very artistic splash screen no?) If after 'x' time no open documents are received, it throws up a quaqua FileChooser dialog. For another little bit of my own code the quaqua FileChooser includes some modifications of mine to show a slightly larger scaled icon as a file preview. Werner Randelshofer declined to use that when offered, having his own plans for icon previewing, using Cocoa if I remember right, in a upcoming release.

Now I just need a actual application to follow all of that stuff.

Last update a little clean up. I've found a lot of my applications aren't even the ones I think they should be for the creator codes. Didn't expect that. The Launch Services API's aren't real geared toward repairing or updating a lot of this. I was going to go with the old 'duplicate the app' trick to correct losing file assocations but do not think that would fix the creator thing. Not real driven on this one at the moment. Need someone having more problems with it to move up the to do list again.

Download: ls.dmg

NEW - 10/15/2008
The JNIDirect SignatureToApp class has been one of my own favorites going back to when it supplied some enhanced Classical JDirect MRJFileUtil capability. The following is a straight JNI version showing how JNIDirect might still work as a JNI 'code generator'. I have trimmed out some of the unnecessary dependencies and have gotten the size of jnilib plus jar well below 300K. I think theres enough API for this to be reasonable overhead

There is nothing wrong with the OS X 'open' command. But it isn't extensible and it isn't open source. Such as it is, this is those things. It does add a couple bells and whistles already that 'open' doesn't do and more functionality could reasonably easily be added.

But for this one, for now, this is it. Enjoy if you wish.

Download: ls_jni.dmg

Mail signatures - Updated 12/28/08

Viewer for signatures with osascript Runtime exec of AppleScripts and the BouncyCastle API's for handling the digital signatures. I had added this to my Combined application but it probably makes more sense as a standalone demo.


  • Changed to use current Bouncy Castle crypto jars and now bundle them in the download.
  • Fixed incorrect 'return' character included in the AppleScript for mailboxes with multiple accounts.
  • Fixed name on certificate information display dialog
  • I Included a launching script with AppleEvent debug environment variables that I didn't get to work right.
  • Download is now a dmg
  • still doesn't seem very good about showing this information itself. I filed a bug this time (ID 6460099). I also put in that seemed to require two accounts to set up a signature. I found decent signature set up directions for signing certificates here.

    AKS and primes - 01/04/05

    Two spinning dice

    Previous of the coding blogs. Follow up curiosity to the MersenneTwist related - sort of.

    First, since this is supposed to be a blog of sorts, maybe I should have something sort of anecdotal. Although blogs of the diary type, 'today I stubbed my toe' or whatever, usually seem pretty uninteresting to me.

    The year is sometime in the very early 70's. I take the old fashioned telephone handset and stick it in the coupler that passed for a modem at the time. My high school math teacher sticks his head in the small closet sized room housing the dialup network equipment, the coupler and a teletype printer is about all of that, that I'm remembering, and asks what I'm doing. I'm not sure if this is simple curiosity or he suspects me of being the first hacker trying to break into the defense department or in some other way up to no good. I tell him just running my (Basic) prime number program.

    So, this is one of my first memories of anything 'computer' - with prime numbers being about the first thing I remember that interested me related to computers. So my interest in prime number programs has a little history and some roots anyhow.

    Ya know, I'm starting to sound a little like grandpa Simpson on the Simpsons.

    Anyhow the main curiosity was could some real prime number crunching with the current state of the JIT be done as quickly as the same algorithm could native compiled. Alas, the answer so far is that compiled is 4x faster at least as far as my first pass programming skill goes. The code is number.jar if of interest.

    A few of the related links I came across if any of those of interest

  • AKS Primes is in P
  • Primes
  • Mersenne Primes
  • For fast square roots
  • More on elementary functions
  • Wouldn't be complete without considering rational approximations
  • Some floating point considerations
  • Yet more functions
  • A floating point TechTip
  • Some of this from a more crypto viewpoint
  • A presentation of how algorithm efficiency, time, complexity, what have you is measured
  • The internet is in my opinion a tremendous resource. The truth is out there. Sometimes it takes some sifting, sometimes a fair of amount of slogging through, and sometimes you still aren't sure you found the absolute TRUTH. But there's a lot of good, free info and stuff. Really, in my opinion there should be courses just on researching the internet. As it is I'm remembering some interesting pages that are not included above. How does the expression go that the journey is more interesting than the destination. Tracking down these things is usually like that, you almost always find something at least equally interesting along the way to what you're looking for. Thats part of what these code blogs are supposed to demonstrate I guess.

    MersenneTwist - 11/03/04

    A new coding blog. I became curious concerning questions of the speed of java.util.Random that came up as a topic on the BouncyCastle mailing list (Sign-up URL below with PDF stuff if interested). Sean Luke, who sometimes frequents the OS X javadev list, had done a java replacement for java.util.Random based on the MersenneTwist random number generator. For my coding I grabbed the version included with ECJ although it can be linked to more directly it seems here?.

    What I wondered was if the MersenneTwist could be used as a java.util.Random replacement for purposes of cyrpto. From the Mersenne Twist FAQ.

    Mersenne Twister is not cryptographically secure. (MT is based on a linear recursion. Any pseudorandom number sequence generated by a linear recursion is insecure, since from sufficiently long subsequence of the outputs, one can predict the rest of the outputs.)

    To make it secure, you need to use some Secure Hashing Algorithm with MT. For example, you may gather every eight words of outputs, and compress them into one word (thus the length of the output sequence is 1/8 of the original one).

    So that is how I proceeded. I decided to first see if native JNI provided any significant performance differences and if performance with a hash included would still be on a par with Random.

    Sample numbers arrived at for Sean Lukes 100000000 generated random int's speed test were as follows...

  • java.util.Random: 19440 Ignore this: -1545709175
  • Mersenne Twister Fast: 14560 Ignore this: 1954615119
  • Mersenne Twister Fast Cokus: 15710 Ignore this: -805975754
  • Mersenne Twister Fast returned state: 7360 Ignore this: -728981457
  • Mersenne Twister Fast all java: 6320 Ignore this: 0
  • Mersenne Twister Fast native SHA1 w/ state: 13180 Ignore this: -1950296216
  • Times in milliseconds, so 19440 is 19.440 seconds. Fast is the everything in JNI version. Cokus is a suggested optimized version from the Mersenne Twist page. Returned state means the 624 int array Mersenne Twist state is returned in one chunk instead of a int at a time. SHA1 w/ state means that first I hash the 624 int array already mentioned and then return the 390 element int array result as one chunk. I translated the BouncyCastle java SHA1Digest class to C for the Sha1 hash.

    Something possibly to note would be that unless the state is returned the JNI versions use significantly more time for all those invocations. If state is returned - that is the 624 element int array for the MT state, or the 390 element array for the hashed result - accesses are then done against that until it's used up when another JNI invocation becomes necessary. 'Returned state' thus resulting in considerably fewer JNI invocations, where all that is usually being done is returning an already computed int value. If you get the state all at once you get considerably better time because you are calling JNI considerably fewer times.

    The other thing maybe to notice is that if state is returned even with the SHA1 hash the times are faster than Random. This somewhat surprised me but I think may mean this wasn't a totally pointless exercise. Anyhow it isn't complete. I would like to appy some of the standard RNG tests to my hashed results to see if they still seem to be good RNG's. I'd also like to consider what is mentioned on John Savard's page concerning the Mersenne Twister and it's use as a keystream generator for a stream cipher. To throw in one last link on this rather link intensive blog, pLab - a RNG site or so I gather - mentioned AES makes a nice RNG which I find interesting and might look at.

    I guess if you're still reading this you might be interested in the code

    BouncyCastle and iText PDF. Updated 03.01.04. Added PDFSign and related

    The topic of signing/verifying PDF documents came up on the BouncyCastle mailing list. It seemed sort of interesting to me so I started seeing what I could do with it. Not as easy as it sounds - for me anyhow. Currently I can verify for the /adbe.pkcs7.detached signatures that are included in PRAcroForms. At least I assume what I have would successfully work for any such setups. Testing is limited so far to only a few signed PDF documents I have found. Left to do, I have verifying if not PRAcroForm included, signing support besides verifying, and support for the /adbe.x509.rsa_sha 'raw' signatures.

    The first document I've been testing with is xsignarticle.pdf here. This document uses the PKCS7 detached and is included in the PDF PRAcroForm field. What I have should handle it.

    The second document is Adobe provided from here. The income tax form. This I do not handle yet but hopefully will shortly. Assuming theis pae is somewhat current this may actually be assumed to be the current recommended method of handling signatures?

    Anyhow, what I have currently is PDFVerify to verify

    03.01.04 I have somewhat simplistic signing working. That is I can attach a signature to a document I am creating and PDFVerify will verify the signature as valid. AcrobatReader 6.0 will not. It will indicate the presence of the signature but doesn't show it as default certificate type as it shows it's own signed ones. And it doesn't enable validity checking itself of the signature as it does it's own.

    Anyhow the stuff included in as far as I've got... modified version of the iText class. an iText addition of my own for this. These seem to get handled elsewhere correctly without requiring this class but I haven't determined how and it seemed simple enough to add one.

    What may also be of interest, located here for the moment until I figure out where to leave them.

    I used this tweaked iText for parsing practice

    And this modifed BouncyCastle code, to try to figure out what I was parsing

    Thought there was more. But I guess that's it for now

    stub - Sort of a variation of launch. 09.01.03

    Some reflection launching to handle Open Document events and other Mac specific functionality using Steve Roy's MRJAdapter. Perfanal for hprof output parsing the sample application. For now URL for that and other info available with the download off my iDisk. More time into better info and links here sometime

    Astronomy and related - 09/21/04

    Share for the heck of it again. Started coding a little java again. I've been doing some reading and it seemed possibly apt to set some of it to code. I then remembered I also had some old sort of related code I'm also throwing in. Might be a bit of an incentive to improve on that.

    So basically this includes three different things.


    I'm always trying to convert the code from Astronomical Formulae for Calculators into some programming language or other. This would be the Java version as far as it's gotten which is about as far as I've ever gotten.


    This also includes the java version of my "Planetarium stuff". This also goes back years and years. Originally probably done in MacForth if that means anything to you. Started off some Astronomy for PC's book I found in the Minneapolis public library. It is supposed to be somewhat similar to Martin Minow's spinning earth applet, or more like Kerry Shetline's code. You can find him and the link in the MRJ archives. Mine is not that far although I now have "Map Projections - A Working Manual" and no excuse really for not getting it working better. Lack of stuff to show other than the hard-coded stars of Leo I usually test with is one problem. Finding and adding in some suitable database support is probably a near top of the list to-do.

    Fundamentals of Astrodynamics

    The last thing is adding code from another old book I have. I've owned it probably going back decades. The math seemed a bit stiff so I never went through it. Having the time, too much, I started reading it and this was one again where it seemed to me that it really should be set to code. So I started doing that. Not going too badly. I'm also, having too much time, going through some of my college Calculus and Physics books which so far has given me the math and knowledge I need to muddle along. Actually little calculus required up to now. Orbits have always fascinated me for some reason.

    OK, enough talk, the code such as it is...


    hprof constructor kit

    iDisk salvage. Attempt to use the Sun provided hprof demo code to consider a couple things. First, is there any useful distinction to be made in profiling by making a difference between wallclock and cpu time. Second, can the source of potential I/O bottlenecks be determined. Currently some slapped together documentation with maybe some useful hprof and profiling links. I still have to decide if it's worth putting more time into this with JVMPI changes at 1.5.



    Tangental free association blog. I've been getting back into Chess a little bit again lately as well. If are yourself into Chess to the extent that you have looked over any Chess books you may of heard of Grigoriev. Grigoriev had probably the most cited and chess book included end game studies. Theres nothing all that unusual in this, someone has to be the most noted in about anything. The somewhat interesting oddity I remembered seeing somewhere was that Grigoriev's real day job occupation was something like a forest ranger who lived in a tower looking out for forest fires. Which I guess goes to show that it is sometimes useful to you to have interests to pursue. Maybe if you're lucky something nice even comes out of following those interests.

    JavaRadioStation and iTunes blog - 10.12.02

    Looked at this a bit ago. Might as well 'share' for the heck of it. I tried the kind of old Mac JavaRadioStation sample code. I had to add the following as the first line to the computeLength method in

    if (fBitRate == 0) return (long)0; // mjh

    ...because 0 lengths crashed it. Might be files with variable bit rates mentioned as not handled somewhere. I put the following MyStation to the same, code base, directory as the sample jar file. I started up iTunes, did an "Open Stream" for http://localhost:8000 and there you go. Sounded as well as iTunes usually does.

    There are probably more sophisticated options out there than this by now and it's probably sort of naive of me to think gosh thats kind of cool. But if anyone else has or does do any tinkering with this - I'd be interested in hearing about it.

    Stack Walker

    This one was a suggestion from someone on the list, I forget who, for a stack trace you could access and base runtime action on. That was my thought and is what this does, an exception stack trace is returned in a String []. It didn't provide the answer for the problem I was concerned with but may be useful sometime. It won't work applet unless you've figured out how to get past the System.set security restrictions which I haven't yet. [For commandLine IE (local) still is throwing a one line (unidentified) missing class exception at the moment. HotJava agrees with AAR that System I/O re-dirction is a bad thing at this point.]

    The following would give you a stripped down stack trace...

    String [] t = new stackWalker().trace();

    for (int i = 0; i < t.length; i++) System.out.println(t[i]);


    Test Cases

    ElGamal key parmameter generation with a little reverse math speedup
    Date: 12.31.06

    Finish the year with a little code exercise inspired from this bouncy castle list thread.

    Testing showed that it spent most of it's time in the BigInteger prime number constructor. So to improve things you need to improve BigInteger, I've messed with that, not easy. Or change the algorithm, but theres not much algorithm to change. Just the p = 2q + 1 equation - where q is found, and p is determined where both need to be prime. However, it occurred to me the equation could be applied twice. As done above, and then you can take your first prime as p instead of as q and solve in reverse for q = (p - 1) / 2.

    Not real complicated math but it does give you another chance at a solution without having to just start over.

    For my testing with 1000 trials at key sizes of 512, 768, 1024 and 1280, there were 9 successful p,q's found going forward [p = 2q+1] and 5 found going backward [q = (p-1)/2]. Those results can be seen at pgptester.txt. The test's source

    Not a bad success increase. Of course the reverse numbers are smaller which tends to be 'less good' in crypto.

    However, given Gauss's determination that the number of primes up to any given 'n' approaches...

    Prime Number Theorem
    π(n) = n/log(n)

    which means as I understand it that the bigger the keys you try for the sparser the primes are going to be. So a method that increases the number of successes and actually does so by testing against smaller numbers might not be all that bad an idea. Of course the math for primes this size might just be ruling the whole approach out.

    A couple URL's were mentioned on the bouncycastle forum that should improve determination of these "safe primes" as they are called.
    Safe Prime Generation with a Combined Sieve
    and Double-Speed Safe Prime Generation
    My idea is mentioned in passing, so I guess I'll have to cancel that patent application. Someones been there and done that.

    As it turns out, this idea doesn't work anyhow. The algorithm is designed to start out with the 'q' bit length one less than what the resulting 'p' length should be so that the final 'p' bit length value is correct after the 1 bit left shift that always happens from the multiplication by two in p = 2*q + 1.
    Taking the original random value as 'p' for going backward [ q = (p-1)/2 ] means that it's length is one bit too short to start out. Which doesn't work for the exact length required by the ElGamal algorithm.
    So not only no patent, but back to the drawing board.
    A considerably faster version for bouncycastle may be appearing without the need for it

    OS X Open document handling and launch options
    Date: 09.23.06

    Updated 03.19.11: Uses the new API's if available OpenFilesHandler if not it falls back to the prior ApplicationListener interface.

    As far as the open document handling itself goes to the best of my understanding the following is true

    For more information on using a shell script instead of a JavaApplicationStub for launch, see Greg Guerin's prelude scripts

    The test case that I wrote for this is DocumentMonster.dmg It includes some .dropper file extension files for testing by dragging to the application icon. It issues println messages to indicating success. If you look in the applications Contents/MacOS folder you will see the Prelude script that may be used in place of the JavaApplicationStub. You might want to look at Greg Guerin's information, from above, before getting much farther along with that.

    URL and wild carded JNI AppleEvents

    To receive other AppleEvents requires JNI. This is some Carbon to accomplish that. It works reasonably well for the simple test included here. My guess is that difficulties would be quickly and maybe frequently encountered as things get more involved. But that for another time maybe.

    The download

    StringTemplate with AppleScript from Java

    The download to just cut to the chase.

    If you are reading this then you most likely have an interest in either Java or AppleScript on OS X, hopefully both. You might then be aware that current versions of OS X Java support the JSR 223 scripting API's for AppleScript as indicated here...

    Java Development Guide for Mac OS X: Mac OS X: Mac OS X Integration for Java

    Please note it's mention of the API package documentation at...

    javax.script (Java Platform SE 6)

    An example of it's use, complete with parameters, was provided on the Apple java-dev mailing list...

    Re: Java AppleScript Parameterization was Re: Create Date in Java - using AppleScript

    My current version of that script, after incorporating in a couple improvements based on Mike Swingler's mail list post above, looks like this...

    tell application "Mail"
        set msg to message $msgnum$ of mailbox "$mbox$" of account "$acct$"
        set who to sender of msg
        set mimever to the content of the header named "Mime-Version" of msg
        return { who, mimever }
    end tell

    In my response to the JSR 223 AppleScript parameterized example I claimed three potential advantages to using StringTemplate instead. They would be...

    The first two advantages I think may not be that significant unless you are doing a substantial amount of scripting. This would be more of an advantage with a number of scripts or more complex scripts. It's functionality could possibly be duplicated with normal Java I/O without a major effort.

    I had been less certain of the third advantage specific to AppleScript and wanted to look at that. For that I selected an ITunes script related to podcasts. Please consider the following script...

    tell application "iTunes"
        set info to {}
        repeat with cast in (every track where podcast is true and unplayed is true)
           set castInfo to {album of cast, name of cast}
           copy castInfo to end of info
        end repeat
        return info
    end tell

    This script will return a list of podcasts which you haven't listened to yet. It is the 'unplayed' script in the bin directory. There are no paramters, it is specific to this task. It is difficult to imagine how you might parameterize it given the multiple search criteria of 'podcast' and 'unplayed'. Unless the AppleScript parameter bindings include some sort of varargs support. What if you want to get different information back? Do the bindings support a variable number of values returned? If it does allow this please let me know so I can reflect that fact here.

    Can StringTemplate do that more generically and in some way that's more reusable? Consider this version of the script...

    group tracks;

    picker(criteriaList,returnList) ::= «

    tell application "iTunes"
        set info to {}
        repeat with cast in (every track where ‹criteriaList;separator=" and "›)
           set castInfo to {‹returnList;separator=" of cast, "› of cast}
           copy castInfo to end of info
        end repeat
        return info
    end tell


    This script is run by the 'Stas' application in the iTunes tab. It uses ArrayList collections for both the tracks selection filtering and the return information. Either or both can be varied from the Java dynamically at runtime without modifying the AppleScript.

    The returned properties of the tracks is simply an ArrayList of String's, the parameter list uses a customized class that seemed might be reusably useful for AppleScript as follows...

    package org.stas;

    public class STASPropertyCriterion {

        private String key = null, value = null;

        public STASPropertyCriterion(String key, String value) {
           this.key = key;
           this.value = value;

        public String toString() {
           return new StringBuilder(key).append(" is ").append(value).toString();

    This demonstrates how StringTemplate will use the toString() method in customized instances to do it's replacements.

    One thing that came up somewhat earlier in discussing building AppleScript was the question of injection...

    Re: Create Date in Java - using AppleScript

    In reviewing some of the StringTemplate introductory material I was reminded that a similar discussion concerning it's use came up there...

    Using StringTemplate: Part 1 "An introduction to StringTemplate" |

    Let us briefly consider what AppleScript injection might be. So, submitted for your consideration",...

    group injector;

    inject(app,statementList) ::= «
    tell application "‹app›"
    end tell


    Unlike the first iTunes script, where there was nothing in the script that could be modified, this one requires almost all it's contents to be injected. The 'helloworld' shell script in the bin directory puts it to fairly non-malevolent use. In either case, not parameterized or all parameterized, it really seems to make using StringTemplate sort of pointless. Where I would hope you might see some value is the more generic version of the iTunes track selector script where StringTemplate made for generalized and reusable AppleScript easily accessible from Java.

    This project should facilitate the use of AppleScript from Java without necessarily requiring a lot of learning curve up front. Having a pre-built collection of sample scripts that might be seen of interest to OS X Java programmers could also encourage the popularity of the rather platform specific scripting language. I plan to continue support of this interface in that hope.