Java and related

Java Source

My javasrc.html applications, libraries, tinkerings of my own

Java links

Mac Java

MRJ Dev The home for Java development on the Mac
Quaqua L&F Werner Randelshofer's mods to the Aqua look and feel
JarBundler Will Gilbert's Ant task for OS/X application bundles
Cafe au Lait Elliotte Rusty Harold's java FAQ, I'm sure Mac related where appropriate
  (NOTE: There is currently no Mac specifc java FAQ I know of)
MacBinary Toolkit Greg Guerin's resource forks, alias resolving, accented characters and file related
MRJAdapter Steve Roy's OS/X adapting API's
WebKit java Dmitry Markman, Doug Zwick et al. Java Cocoa JNI interface to the Safari WebKit API
nib4j Manuel Hermann's Interface Builder type GUI stuff from Java
XGridClient Luca Lutterotti's beep based all java XGrid Client
JConfig Mac stuff going back to the day

Java shell related

Java line command tool JShell, Mac origins and support.

Language, engineering (hacking)

BCEL Bytecode Engineering Library


Languages for the Java VM. Link busted. Someone suggested this replacement.






My current Jode

Also recommended Jad

Personal Favorites

(Mostly used and listed elsewhere as well)

I have grabbed code almost indiscriminately from The John Leach Web Site

Now appearing to be part of the Jakarta project log4j I guess doesn't need me plugging it, but I have started using it.

Jakarta Ant I think the usual preferred build tool but mine is JMake because with a plugin type hook I can run my CommandLine commands as psuedo-Runtime processes.


This Apple resource was pointed out.

OpenJNLP - becoming an interest

OpenJNLP Java Network Launching

Java Web Start the Sun reference implementation. Mac OS X pre-installed


ImageJ Image processing and analysis in Java

PJA Pure Java AWT


gl4java Gerard Ziemski's Mac gl4java ports, also I understand includes jogl and Java3D related these days. Some Panther may be required. Which I don't have yet.


1.4 Security enhancements

Security - Cryptography

Cryptix 11.10.03 appears again to be sproradically active.

Bouncy Castle Strange sounding, but possibly more active than Cryptix and similar to Cryptix to the extent of providing a cleanroom JCE implementation

Mac specific

Counterpane Bruce Shneier's (Author of Applied Cryptography) company


JSwat I've said it before and I'll say it again, nice GUI'd JPDA frontend

JPDA the online doc.

Zip / Jar

Missing a lot of links from when I looked at TRZ and the JDirect ZLIB interface but...

Found this one again. JZlib a pure java implementation of zlib.

ZLIB home page below. (This is what, java.util.jar use, native)

Documents - PDF / HTML / what have you

iText the most complete java/PDF document project going that I know of.

RetepPDF I think pre-dated it but I'm not quite sure has had the resources to keep up with iText

There was a java version of Acrobat Reader. But it was kind of hard to track down the last time I looked for it and I'm not sure it's been seeing any upgrades. If you locate the link let me know and I'll include it.

General Java

The home of Java itself, Javasoft

I also have a few things from Javaworld